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IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa
IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa

IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa

IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray

Made of natural granite;2 piece mortar & pestle;Grinds spices & herbs;Use to prepare salsas, dips & guacamole;Beautiful serving piece, looks great on your counter

メーカー Imusa USA
型番 MEXI-2013
梱包サイズ 18.1 x 17.2 x 10.1 cm
梱包重量 2.42 キログラム
電池使用 いいえ
電池付属 いいえ
ブランド名 Imusa
商品重量 2.4 キログラム

IMUSA USA Granite Molcajete Spice Grinder, 6-Inch, Gray by Imusa

8,723 (税込)

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